System Controlling: LQ speed regulation of a brushed DC motor

Monday, October 22, 2012

LQ speed regulation of a brushed DC motor

In the following post I will present a speed controller of the brushed DC motor using LQR. I will also introduce the Kalman filter to estimate the motor speed and torque. 
System diagram
I already introduced the state space model of the brushed DC machine, in this post I will introduce only the controller. 

Discrete state tracking linear quadratic regulator

Have the following linear discrete system

Let us presume that $z_k$ is the trajectory what we would like to follow, in this case we have to determine the optimal control signal which optimize the quadratic criterion:
J(u) = min\left[e_N^TFe_N+\sum_k{e_k^TQ_ke_k+\delta u_k^TR_k\delta u_k}\right]\tag{2}
Where  $e=z_k-y_k$ and $\delta u_k=u_k-up_k$.
Bellman's equation of the corresponding control problem is:
J_{min_k}(u) = min\left[e_k^TQ_ke_k+\delta u_k^TR_k\delta u_k+J_{min_{k+1}}(u)\right]\tag{3}
Expressing the cost of termination point as:
$$Introduce the following expressions:
$$P_N=H_N^TF_NH_N\\ p_{N_0}=z_N^TFz_N\\ g_N^T=-2z_N^TFH_N\tag{5}$$
Where $N$ is the number of the horizon and $k$ is the iteration.
The cost function will be the following:
where the Belman's equation is:
J_{min_k}(u)=min\left[e_k^TQ_ke_k+\delta u_k^TR_k\delta u_k+p_{(k+1)_0}+g_{k+1}^Tx_{k+1}+x_{k+1}^TP_kx_{k+1}\right]\tag{7}
Considering that in the $k$ iteration the $u_k$ optimal control minimizes the criterion $J(u)_k$, we can write the following relation
$$u_k=\left[R_k+B_k^TP_{k+1}B_k\right]^{-1}\left[R_kup_k+\frac{1}{2}B_kg_{k+1}-B_k^TP_{k+1}A_kx_k\right]\tag{8} $$
The recursive discrete Ricatti equation is the following:$$P_k=H_k^TQ_kH_k-A_k^TP_{k+1}B_k\left[R_k+B_k^TP_{k+1}B_k\right]^{-1}\\B_k^TP_{k+1}A_k+A_k^TP_{k+1}A_k\tag{9}$$respecting the final condition:
We can express the optimal control signal in the following form:
After performing some algebraic calculations, we will end up with the following equation:$$g_k^T=-2z_k^TQ_kH_k+g_{k+1}\left[A_k+B_kK_k\right]^T\tag{14}$$
with boundary condition:


The steady state error depends on the number of the horizon ($N$), the accuracy of the system model and the state estimation. Choosing the number of the horizon to five the rotor speed is the following:
 The controller signal is depending of the accuracy of the state estimator

Choosing the number of the horizon more than 15, the steady state error was 0. The number of the horizon, and the limitation of the control signal are influences the overshoot. One of the disadvantages of the LQR is that the optimal signal calculation doesn't include the signal limitation, thus a bigger control signal can be calculated than you can physically achieve.

Python implementation

The Python implementation of the state tracking LQR is under the following link. Feel free to fork. It was harder to implement into Python than Matlab, but finally I succeeded. In the you can find two controller, one is a PID controller
pid  =  PID( KP = 0.2, KI = 100, KD = 0.00001 
for i in range( len( pw ) ):
    #Calculate the error
    error = pw[i] - sw;
    #Calculating the control signal
    u = error, Ts = Ts )
    if( abs( u ) > 220 ):
        u = sign( u ) * 220; 

    ( sw, x ) = dc2.dlsim( u , torque[0, i ] );
    y_out[i, :] = sw
    u_out[i, :] = u 

The other is the LQR state tracker controller with Kalman filter
dlqr = DSTLQR( Ak, Bk, Ck, N )
kf = dKF( x_est, Ak, Bk, H )

for i in range( len( pw ) - N ): 
   #Calculation the optimal control signal
   U = dlqr.calcU( x_est, array( [pw[i:i + N]] ) ) 
   if( abs( U ) > 220 ):
     U = sign( U ) * 220;

   ( sw, x ) = dc2.dlsim( U, torque[0, i ], Ts = Ts );
   y_out[i, :] = sw
   u_out[i, :] = U

   #Estimating the states
   ( x_est, P, error ) = kf.update( x[0, 0] , U )

   y_est[i, :] = x_est[1]; 

Matlab source code

I used a discrete Kalman filter to estimate the torque and the rotor speed, here is the code of the Kalman filter:
% Created by Róbert Ungurán
% GPLv2
% Dc motor discrete model
% Input 
%   I_in - Measured current
%   U_in - Measured voltage
% Output
%   x_out - Estimated state variables
function x_out = kf(I_in,U_in)

    global Ts  Rm L Ke Kd J Km;
    persistent x
    persistent P
    if isempty(x)
        x = [0;0; 0];        
        P = zeros(3);
    % Armature current, rotor speed, Torque
    Ak  =   [1-Ts*(Rm/L)  -Ts*(Ke/L)        0;
            Ts*(Km/J)    1-Ts*(Kd/J)    -Ts/J;
            0               0               1;];

    Bk  =   [Ts*1/L; 0; 0];

    H   =   [1 0 0];
    R   =   1e-3;
    Q   =   diag([1e-6 1e-2 1e-2]);
    x   =   Ak*x + Bk*U_in;
    P   =   Ak * P * Ak' + Q;
    % Compute Kalman gain factor:
    S   =   H*P*H'+R;
    K   =   P*H'*inv(S);

    % Correction based on observation:
    error = I_in-H*x;
    x   =   x + K*error;
    P   =   P - K*H*P;
    x_out   =   x;
The source of the discrete linear quadratic regulator
% Created by Róbert Ungurán
% GPLv2
% LQR controller of a DC motor
% Input 
%   I       - Measured current
%   w       - Measured rotor speed
%   w_ref   - Reference rotor speed 
% Output
%   U - Control signal
function U = mydlqr(I,w,Tl,w_ref)   
    global Ts  Rm L Ke Kd J Km N;
    x = [I;w;Tl];

    Ak  =   [1-Ts*(Rm/L)  -Ts*(Ke/L)        0;
            Ts*(Km/J)    1-Ts*(Kd/J)    -Ts/J;
            0               0               1;];

    Bk = [Ts*1/L; 0; 0];

    Ck = [0 1 0];

    Dk = [0];   
    [n,m] = size(Bk);
    [p,n] = size(Ck);
    PN = Ck'*F*Ck; 
    gN =  (-2*w_ref(1)'*F*Ck)';    
    for j=N:-1:1        
        K = (-inv(R+Bk'*PN*Bk)*Bk'*PN*Ak);
        fk = (-1/2)*inv(R+Bk'*PN*Bk)*Bk'*gN;       
        gN = (-2*w_ref(:,N-1)'*Q*Ck+gN'*(Ak+Bk*K))';
        PN = Ck'*Q*Ck-Ak'*PN*Bk*inv(R+Bk'*PN*Bk)*Bk'*PN*Ak+Ak'*PN*Ak;            
    U = K*x+fk;
The main source code
clear all
close all

%% Initialization
global Ts  Rm L Ke Kd J Km N Fc;

Rm  =   0.35;
Km  =   0.0296;
Ke  =   0.0296;
Kd  =   6.7*10e-5;
J   =   2.9*10e-6;
Fc  =   0.02;
L   =   25 *10e-6;
Ts  =   1e-5;
N   =   5;

x       =   [0;0;0];
w_ref   =   [ones(1,1000)*200 ones(1,1000)*400];
torque  =   [ones(1,1500)*2.0 ones(1,500)*1.0];
[n,m]   =   size(w_ref);
u   =   [];
w   =   [];
x_est = [0; 0; 0];
x_est_o = [0; 0; 0];

for i=1:m-N
    %% Calculation the optimal control signal
    %Input Current, Rotation speed, Rotation speed references
    U   =   mydlqr(x_est(1),x_est(2),x_est(3), w_ref(i:i+N));
    if(abs(U) > 380)
        U = sign(U)*380;
    u   =   [u U];
    %% Simulation the model
    %Current, Rotation speed, Rotation position    
    [x(1), x(2), x(3)]  =   dc_motor(U, torque(i));
    w   =   [w x(2)];
    %% Estimating the states
    x_est   =   kf(x(1), U);
    x_est_o =   [x_est_o x_est];    

%% Visualization
hold on;
plot(w_ref, 'b-');
plot(w, 'r-');
plot(x_est_o(2,:), 'g-');
legend('Reference','Simulated', 'Estimated');

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